Digital Temperature indicators are designed for temperature monitoring and analysis.
Digital Temperature Indicators either come equipped with an integral sensor, or require sensor input. Approximately 16% of all process instrumentation measures, indicates, or controls temperature. In many industrial applications it is necessary to collect temperatures as a permanent record due to government or manufacturing requirements, or to provide historical data that may later be used to determine problems within a system.
Digital Temperature Indicators designed for industrial use and presented by Skylark Controls.
A chart recorder is another device used to record temperature data.
Barnant, Fuji Electric, Shinko, Konbo, Yokogawa.
Barnant Temperature Controllers
Fuji 1/16 DIN Fuzzy Logic Controllers
Self-tuning process/temperature controllers with 16 ramp/soak segments

Fuji PXR Series
Fuji 1/32 DIN Fuzzy Logic Controllers
Self-tuning process/temperature controllers with 16 ramp/soak segments

Fuji PXR Series
Fuji 1/4 DIN Fuzzy Logic Controllers
Self-tuning process/temperature controllers with 16 ramp/soak segments

Fuji PXR Series
High-speed and high-performance 1/4 DIN process and temperature controller
Fuji PXH Series
Fuji 1/8 DIN Fuzzy Logic Controllers
Self-tuning process/temperature controllers with 16 ramp/soak segments

Fuji PXR Series
Shinko Digital Temperature Controllers
Shinko Programmable Controllers
Konbo Analog Temperature Controllers