High performance Silicon Controlled Rectifiers
for fast response power controls. |
- High performance switching devices capable of fast, precise control of the power delivered to the load
- Control power with either phase angle firing or zero cross variable time base firing
- Accept analog signal units
- Smooth proportional output power from 0 to 100%
- Available in single and three phase versions
- Options for phase angle firing SCRs include current limit, current trip, line voltage regulation, soft start on signal change or lockout, and I2T fusing
- I2T fusing is also available with zero firing SCRs
- Control input is adjustable to match all standard temperature and process controllers
- Zero firing SCRs feature a rapi-cycle control technique, with on-to-on cycle time ranging from 16 to 48ms
Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs) power controls accept analog signals, unlike SSCs. They are high performance switching devices capable of fast, precise control of the power delivered to the load. They control power by either phase angle firing or zero cross variable time base (burst) firing.
The Phasetronics EP Series of Phase Angle Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs) Power Control assures smooth proportional output power from 0 to 100%. These low-cost, high-quality controls are offered in single and three phase versions with a variety of optional features including current limit, current trip, line voltage regulation, soft start on signal change or lockout, and I2T fusing. They are ideally suited for all resistive, inductive, and capacitive loads. The Soft Start feature assures a slow rising output voltage to prevent saturation of inductive loads. The control input is adjustable to match all standard temperature and process controllers. The control signal sensitivity is adjustable by gain and offset potentiometers or can be controlled from an external potentiometer. MOVs protect the Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs) from transient voltages. False firing (dv/dt) protection is standard. Typical applications include heater control, and oven and furnace control.
Silicon Controlled Rectifiers SCR's