High performance fast response SCR Power Controls |
- High performance switching devices capable of fast, precise control of the power delivered to the load
- Control power with either phase angle firing or zero cross variable time base firing
- Accept analog signal units
- Smooth proportional output power from 0 to 100%
- Available in single and three phase versions
- Options for phase angle firing SCRs include current limit, current trip, line voltage regulation, soft start on signal change or lockout, and I2T fusing
- I2T fusing is also available with zero firing SCRs
- Control input is adjustable to match all standard temperature and process controllers
- Zero firing SCRs feature a rapi-cycle control technique, with on-to-on cycle time ranging from 16 to 48ms
SCR Power Controls (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) accept analog signals, unlike SSCs. They are high performance switching devices capable of fast, precise control of the power delivered to the load. SCR Power Controls control power by either phase angle firing or zero cross variable time base (burst) firing.
The EZ Series Zero Firing (variable time base) SCR Power Controls combine low cost with microprocessor technology. Available in single or three phase, they feature a rapid-cycle control technique with on-to-on cycle time ranging from 16 to 48ms, thus improving the heater element life. Zero-voltage switching virtually eliminates EMI/RFI. Units can be controlled by a milliamp input for manual operation such as 0-5 and 4-20mA, or a 10V DC input or by a 10K? potentiometer. Optional I2T fusing is available.
Typical applications of these SCR Power Controls include heater control, power supplies, oven and furnace control, and Solid-State Autotransformers.
SCR Power Controls Phasetronics EZI