Chino, EH Series, Strip Chart, Recorders, Strip Chart Recorders

Chino EH Series Strip Chart Recorders

EH Series Strip Chart Recorders

The EH series recorders are supplied with either continuous pen-writing or multi-point dot-printing systems. This versatile series of electronic self-balancing strip chart recorders features a 180mm chart. Models are available to record various industrial variables such as temperature, mV or DC voltage at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, or 24 points. The measuring systems of mV, thermocouple, resistance thermometer or thermistor are available. Chino, EH Series, Strip Chart, Recorders, Strip Chart Recorders

Pen Type
Model Specification Remarks
EH100-⬚⬚ Thermocouples Accessories
EH200-⬚⬚ Resistance thermometers Accessories
EH300-⬚⬚ Thermistors Accessories
EH800-⬚⬚ DC voltage/current Accessories
01, 02, 03

Multi-Point Type
Model Specification Remarks
EH100-⬚⬚ Thermocouples Accessories
EH200-⬚⬚ Resistance thermometers Accessories
EH300-⬚⬚ Thermistors Accessories
EH800-⬚⬚ DC voltage/current Accessories
01D, 06, 12, 24S

Input signals DC voltage: More than 3mV, less than to 500mV span
Thermocouple: K, E, J, T: More than 100°C span,
R: More than 450°C span,
B: More than 1000°C span,
S: More than 500°C span
Resistance thermometer: More than 30°C span (Pt100, JPt100)
Thermistor: More than 40°C span
Scale width 180 mm
Accuracy ratings DC voltage: ±0.25% of input span
Thermocouple, resistance thermometer, thermistor: ±0.5% of input span
Balancing speed About 2.0 seconds (50Hz) or about 1.6 seconds (60Hz) for full scale
Chart paper Fanfold type, effective width 180mm, total width 200mm, total length 20m
Recording points Pen-writing type: 1-pen, 2-pen or 3-pen
Dot-printing type: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 or 24 points
Recording systems Pen-writing type: Ink pen continuous recording, 1st-pen: red, 2nd-pen: green, 3rd-pen: blue
Dot-printing type: Ink pad dot-printing with each point with each color, 1 red, 2 black, 3 sky blue, 4 green, 5 brown, 6 purple, 7 orange, 8 gray, 9 blue, 10 greenish brown, 11 scarlet, 12 violet
Chart speed 12.5, 25, 50, 100mm/h and fast
Dot-printing interval 6 seconds (50Hz) or 5 seconds (60Hz)
Pen lift (Pen-writing type) Manual, each pen independent for 2-pen and 3-pen
Pen interval About 4mm
Power supply 100, 110, 120, 130, 200, 220, 230 or 240VAC, 50/60Hz
Ambient temperature (-)10°C to 50°C
Ambient humidity 30 to 90%RH (no dew condensation)
Illumination With fluorescent lamp (except 24-point with select-off)
Power consumption About 23VA (1-pen), about 28VA (2-pen), about 34VA (3-pen)
About 24VA (1 to 12 points dotting), about 30VA (24 points dotting)
Weight About 13.5kg (1-pen), about 14.5kg (2-pen), about 16.0kg (3-pen)
About 13.5kg (1 to 12 points dotting), about 16.0kg (24 points dotting)

EH Series Electronic Recorders
Items Recorder Type Part Number Qty
Ink (1st) Red EH 1~3 Ink Pen Type M3-5020-1 1 Box (3 ea.)
Ink (2nd) Green EH 2~3 Ink Pen Type M3-5020-2 1 Box (3 ea.)
Ink (3rd) Blue EH 3 Ink Pen Type M3-5020-3 1 Box (3 ea.)
Ink Tank Well EH All Ink Pen Type ET1-21616 1
Rubber Packing for Tank Well EH All Ink Pen Type ET1-61619 1
Ink Pad Wheel for 2P EH 2 Points Dotting EH-PAD-02 1
Ink Pad Wheel for 3P EH 3 Points Dotting EH-PAD-03 1
Ink Pad Wheel for 6P EH 6 Points Dotting EH-PAD-06 1
Ink Pad Wheel for 12P EH 12 Points Dotting EH-PAD-12 1
Ink Pad Wheel for 24P EH 24 Points Dotting EH4-23076 1
Ink Cotton for Ink Pad EH All Dotting Type ET1-93054 1 Pk. (50)
Dotting Ink (1-6P) EH All Dotting Type EH-INK-06 1 Box (6 Colors)
Dotting Ink (7-12P) EH All Dotting Type EH-INK-12 1 Box (6 Colors)
Chart Paper - 180mm (Standard) All Type EH01001 (0/100) 1 Box (15 sheets)
PS Sheet EH Series PSE-279A Download
PS Sheet EH Series with Alarm PSE-107-2 Download

Quality Temperature, Pressure and Recording Instrumentation